Sunday, October 23, 2016

It's Time.

It's time.

Einstein first law of motion states that an object in motion will stay in motion and that an object at rest will stay at rest, and that never feels more true than when I run.  Every year, I take a chunk of time off after the last 'big' race of the season, to let my body heal and give my brain a rest.  I like to push myself, and sometimes I think the hardest part is to keep that sustained mental intensity.  Don't get me wrong - I love having a goal.  But I pour so much of myself into hopefully reaching that goal that I feel like I'm trying to draw from an empty well by the time I'm done.  Not to mention, I think the people in my life like the break too.  There's only so much they can hear about how my training is going, because we all know there's nothing more interesting than someone else's workouts (unless you want to tell them all about going Paleo).

For the next few agonizing weeks, every run will be kind of miserable; slow, with heavy legs and burning lungs.  It'll feel like starting from scratch.  But running is honest.  You put the time in, you will see the results.  The first few weeks after a break may be miserable, but once I get past that initial suckiness, I'll be back up to speed.  My goals are bigger than this momentary challenge.

Today's workout: 4 miles, no target pace.
Weather: nice ish.
How'd it go?  Could have been worse.

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